About Me
A mark of a pencil, a stroke of a brush, they are tools to communicate from the heart what one can not say.
This is me hanging out with my horse Windsong. If life were like riding a horse, somedays I just try to stay on, enjoy the ride and not fall flat on my face.
I have been creating and selling original artwork for 29 years. I have been represented by galleries in 5 states, selling fine art across the country. I was quite fortunate to be accepted into the Art Academy of Cincinnati when the college campus was still attached to the Cincinnati Art Museum. Having the exposure to the diverse, rich, history as well as the private archives at the museum shaped my work and career.
It has been a winding road that has led me to create original portraits of beloved pets, horses, people, and livestock. If you look around the website you will see the gilded works of art and landscapes that I sold for years in galleries. I still am inspired to create these works and have some for sale from time to time. Many are sold to private collections and that has been a mainstay for me for the past decade. There is something quite special about creating portrait pieces, the smallest details that capture that essence, the personality, the love. I haven’t been quite able to find the words. It is the heart connection, the artistic rendering of the photographs, capturing what the heart cannot say. I suppose that is as close as I can get to describing it. With gratitude, thank you for visiting my site.